Moogies secure their CAA Operational Authorisation for a third year

Moogies Media are celebrating having their Operational Authorisation (OA) renewed for the next 12 months by the Civil Aviation Authority. Previously known as Permission for Commercial Operations (PFCO), the OA enables us to carry out fully insured commercial work as well as certifying that our operations manual and flight records are up to date.

There is no doubt that the world of drones is making a bigger impact year on year. Drones are used to benefit communities all over the world but flying within regulations must always be the order of the day - after all, we are in charge of an aircraft. There is no bigger relief than having our daily practices recognised by those in charge of our skies and ensuring that air laws are being adhered to.

As always at this time of year, we thank our flying school, FlyBy Technology for all their help and we are especially grateful to the personal mentors within the organisation who support us.

So, as we carry out the pre-flight checks on our drone fleet (including ensuring the cameras are ready to go and the memory cards are formatted!), we can’t wait to continue seeing the world from the skies and creating spectacular imagery and videos over the next 12 months. It really does make the world a fascinating place,  guaranteeing a stunning look for your media that will attract the clients you are looking for, and leave others with precious memories that they will never forget.


Some Comic Relief for Moogies


Soaring ahead at Moogies in 2022