Moogies secure their CAA Operational Authorisation for a fourth year

Drone photography Shropshire DJI Mavic Drone

It’s time for celebration at Moogies as we have our Operational Authorisation (OA) renewed by the Civil Aviation Authority for the fourth year in a row. Previously known as Permission for Commercial Operations (PFCO), the OA enables us to carry out fully insured commercial work as well as certifying that our operations manual and flight records are up to date.

There is no doubt that the world of drones is making a bigger impact year on year. Drones are used to benefit communities all over the world, but flying within regulations must always be the order of the day - after all, we are in charge of an aircraft (no matter how small it is!). There is no bigger relief than having our daily practices recognised by those in charge of the skies and ensuring that air laws are being adhered to.

Our OA is vital to our wedding videography services, especially as we are fortunate enough to capture many of them in historic British buildings or country manors, where flying laws can be strict. One of our USPs is that we capture the happy couple’s special day from both the air and the ground; resulting in a bespoke keepsake of the wedding from every angle. 

As always at this time of year, we thank our flying school, FlyBy Technology, for all their help and we are especially grateful to the personal mentors within the organisation who support us.


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