CAN-PHANTOM? Yes, they can!

Seminar organiser and seminar hosting in Shropshire, with content marketing tips

Moogies Media recently put on a two-day seminar for Staffordshire-based immobiliser provider, CAN-PHANTOM; filling the room with installers of the vehicle security product. We were given just a few weeks to arrange further training for the installers to help ensure national coverage of the product, in preparation of a new project next year.


Identifying an appropriate central venue was key to attracting people from all four corners of the UK, which was found in Stone. Then of course, we needed to find the ideal price point to encourage installers to attend. However, with the guarantee of a scanner from CAN-PHANTOM, the offer of good quality food, unlimited tea and coffee(!), and an additional marketing seminar delivered by Moogies too, it soon became clear that the cost was of value.


The challenge of hosting a seminar over a couple of days always lies in attracting enough people to each day in order for it to be viable, but both days had healthy attendances - and we’re pleased to say that the marketing seminar on day two was full!


Over the two days the attendees were taught how to effectively scan vehicles and install the product correctly, as well as top marketing tips including creating a marketing plan, building a list of prospects, posting on social media, the value of creating a YouTube channel, and of course - blogging.


As feedback forms are gradually being returned, for Moogies, the harder work begins as we trawl through the media assets we gathered and begin to create photo albums and videos. Look out for these on our social media channels!







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